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- To learn and grow while remaining at the helm of their firms
- To succeed in regional and global business environments
- To acquire skills critical to their level of leadership
- To produce profits and results
- To make effective business decisions
- To find balance in their stressful business and personal lives
Excell has developed programs to address these issues common to all company leaders while adapting to the different levels of their businesses. They share the same principle and basic structure: grouping similarly situated peers to form a powerful resource base and confidential, constructive environment for learning.
All groups meet on a regular basis to learn from experts on subjects of real-time concern, share plans and strategies for feedback, work through issues and opportunities, and build a base of processes, tools and resources. The length and timing of their retreats vary, as do the size and business stage of the firms and the qualifications of the member CEOs.
Excell Forum
For emerging entrepreneurs, small companies or groups of businesses that prefer a half-day approach.
Excell Growth
For established companies, usually with annual sales between $3 and $100 million, leadership structure, growth issues and opportunities to get to the next level.
Excell 100
For firms and CEOs who have achieved the highest levels of success and industry leadership, with annual sales usually exceeding $100 million, a leader who has lead a company of that success or are growing exponentially toward that end.
To serve members, as well as their key leader teams, Excell, through a strategic alliance with Excellence In Business, Inc, also makes extensive use of the Excellent Leader™ Process: An intentional, twelve month process of Leaderwork™ to support excellence in leader development.